The Post Conciliar Church & The Universal Apostasy


Note: In filial love to the Church, the following article is aimed at exposing the current errors, which have worked for the universal apostasy of the Catholics from God. Any Mention of Pope John Paul II is simply intended to point out errors which have unfortunate been embraced by the Pope himself, who we constantly keep in our prayers since his false notion of the Church has unfortunately lead many along the road of apostasy in the name of (false) obedience.


Our Lady at La Salette said on September 19, 1846, "Rome would lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist . . .  The Church will be in eclipse."

Our Lord asks that when he comes back will he find any Faith at all? (Luke 18:8)

Pope Felix III said: "Not to oppose error, is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them."[1]

Pope Leo I said: "He that sees another in error, and endeavors not to correct it. testifies himself to he in error."[2]

Pope St. Pius V said: "All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics."[3]

Pope St. Pius X said: "All the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics."[4]

St. Augustine said: "Medicinal rebuke must be applied to all who sin, lest they should either themselves perish, or be the ruin of others . . .  Let no one, therefore, say that a man must not be rebuked when he deviates from the right way, or that his return and perseverance must only be asked from the Lord for him."[5]

St. Catherine of Siena said: "We've had enough of exhortations to be silent!  Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues.  I see that the world is rotten because of silence."[6]

False Prophets are Loved by the World
"Woe to you when men shall bless you: for according to these things did their fathers to the False Prophets." (Luke 6:26)

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  By their fruits you shall know them." (Matthew 7:15,16)

"When they sin rebuke them in the presence of all, that the rest also may have fear." (1st Timothy 5:20)

"He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God." (Proverbs 17:15)

Hold fast to Tradition
"Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." (2 Thes 2:14) St. Vincent of Lerins said: "When a foulness invades the whole Church . . . We must return to the Church of the past."[7]  He also stated in 490 AD: "In the Catholic Church herself every care must be taken that we may hold fast to that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.  For this is truly and properly Catholic."[8]

Forewarned by the Popes, Saints and Our Blessed Mother, Pope St. Pius X said in his first encyclical E Supremi Apostolatus on October 4, 1903: "Society is at the present time, more than in any past age, suffering from a terrible and a deep-rooted malady . . . apostasy from God."  St. Pope Pius X went on to say, ". . . there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were, foretaste and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the 'Son of Perdition' (the Antichrist) of whom the Apostle speaks." (II Thess 2:3)

In his encyclical letter, Our Apostolic Mandate, on August 25, 1910, Pope St. Pius X already detected "a great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One World Church which will have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy . . . under the pretext of freedom and human dignity."

Part of the original St. Michael Prayer composed by Pope Leo XIII said the following: "In the holy place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered."[9]

In the beginning of this century, Pope St. Pius X said in Pascendi that the danger from the adversaries of the Church were, "not from without but from within; hence the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church."

St. John Bosco said: "Your sons ask for the bread of Faith and no one gives it to them . . .  Ungrateful Rome, effeminate Rome, arrogant Rome . . .  Forgetting that the Sovereign Pontiffs and your true glory are on Golgotha . . .  Woe to you; my law is an idle word for you."[10]

Prophesy of St. Francis of Assisi: "There will be an uncanonically elected pope who will cause a great schism, there will be diverse thoughts preached which will cause many, even those in the different orders to doubt, yea, even agree with those heretics which will cause my Orders to divide, then there will be such universal dissensions and persecutions that if those days were not shortened, even the elect would be lost."[11]

A Time Predicted by the Enemies of the Church
"In a hundred years time . . . bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." (Alta Vendita/masonic document)[12]

In the book, Ecumenism, written by a freemason in 1908, it says "the goal is no longer the destruction of the Church but rather to make use of it by infiltrating it."[13]

On April 3, 1844, a leader of an Italian secret society called Nubius wrote a letter to another highly-placed mason.  The letter spoke about the plan to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, and the attempt to insert a masonic pope, who would promote the religion of Freemasonry from the chair of Peter.  "Now then, in order to ensure a pope in the required proportions, we must first of all prepare a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream . . .  Let the clergy move forward under your banner (the masonic banner) always believing they are advancing under the banner of the apostolic Keys.  Cast your net like Simon Bar Jonas; spread it to the bottom of sacristies, seminaries, and convents . . .  You will have finished a revolution dressed in the Pope's triple crown and cape, carrying the cross and the flag, a revolution that will need only a small stimulus to set fire to the four corners of the earth."[14]

Freemason Eliph Levi said in 1862: "A day will come when the pope, inspired by the Holy Spirit will declare that all the excommunications are lifted and all the anathemas are retracted, when all the Christians will be united within the Church, when the Jews and Moslems will be blessed and called back to her . . . she will permit all sects to approach her by degrees and will embrace all mankind in the communion of her love and prayers.  Then, Protestants will no longer exist.  Against what will they be able to protest?  The sovereign pontiff will then be truly king of the religious world, and he will do whatever he wishes with all the nations of the earth."[15]

The Communist Plan to Infiltrate the True Church
Mrs. Bella Dodd
spent most of her life in the Communist Party of America and was Attorney General designate had the Party won the White House.  After her defection, she revealed that one of her jobs as a Communist agent was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries.  She said that before she had left the Party in the U.S., she had encouraged almost 1,000 young radicals to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders . . . and she was only one Communist.

Brother Joseph Natale, Founder of Most Holy Family Monastery, was present at one of Bella Dodd's lectures in the early 1950's.  He relates: "I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end.  Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter.  You would think she was the world's greatest prophet, but she was no prophet.  She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church.  She explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent."  Bella Dodd converted to Catholicism at the end of her life.  Speaking as an ex-Communist, she said: "In the 1930's, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within."  The idea was for these men to be ordained, and then climb the ladder of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops.  Back then, she said: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church."  They are working to bring about change in order that the Catholic Church would not be effective against Communism.  She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church."  (This was 10 to 12 years before Vatican II.)

Brother Joseph went on relating what Bella Dodd had said: "The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing.  Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church . . . to label the 'Church of the past' as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries.  This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an 'openness to the world', and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies.  The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church."[16]

Rome Departs From Tradition; Rome Departs From the Faith
Rome cannot ignore 2000 years of Roman Catholic teaching.  Present day teaching must be in agreement with traditional teaching.  St. Robert Bellarmine said: "Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so it is licit to resist him who attack souls, or who disturbs the civil order, or, above all, him who tries to destroy the Church.  It is licit to resist him by not doing what he orders and by impeding the execution of his will."[17]

St. Cajetan said: "One must resist the Pope who openly destroys the Church."[18]

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Take note that if there were a danger to the Faith, subordinates would be bound to reprove their prelates, even publicly."[19]  The Dogmatic Councils of the Catholic Church speak about true obedience to the Pope, not blind obedience.

Blind Obedience to the Pope? Pope Innocent III said: "It is necessary to obey a Pope in all things as long as he does not go against the universal customs of the Church, but should he go against the universal customs of the Church, he need not be followed."[20]

The Papal Coronation Oath: the vow a pope takes when he is elected:
"I vow:
· To change nothing of the received tradition
, and nothing thereof, I have found before me guarded by God-pleasing predecessors, to encroach upon, to alter, or to permit any innovation therein;
To the contrary: with glowing affection as her truly faithful student and successor, to safeguard reverently the passed on good, with my whole strength and utmost effort;
· To cleanse all that is in contradiction to the canonical order should such appear;
· To guard the Holy Canons and Decrees of our Popes as if they were the divine ordinances of Heaven, because I am conscious of Thee, whose place I take through the Grace of God, whose Vicarship I possess with Thy support, being subject to severest accounting before Thy Divine Tribunal over all that I shall confess.
· If I should undertake to act in anything of contrary sense, or should permit that it will be executed.  Thou willst not be merciful to me on the dreadful Day of Divine Justice.
· Accordingly, without exclusion, we subject to severest excommunication anyone - be it ourselves or be it another - who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic Tradition, and the purity of the orthodox Faith and the Christian religion, or would seek to change anything by his opposing efforts, or would agree with those who undertake such a blasphemous venture."[21]

John Paul II was the first "Pope" not to take this oath.

Papal History Shows Some Popes in Error
The Holy Ghost was not promised to the Successor of Peter for them to make a new doctrine known, but for them to maintain in a holy way the revelation transmitted by the Apostles, that is, the Deposit of Faith.  At Vatican Council I, scholars discovered that more than 40 popes in the past had held wrong theological views.

Padre Pio Rebukes John Paul II
Antonio Pandiscia is the official biographer of Padre Pio and he was the only man allowed to interview him more than once.  He said: "The current Pope went to San Giovanni Rotondo for the first time in 1947 shortly after his ordination.  A witness, who has since passed away, told me that Padre Pio was brusque with the young Polish priest on that occasion.  I think he could not accept the fact that the young Wojtyla (John Paul II) had worked in the theater before becoming a priest."[22]

Padre Pio once threw two bishops out of the confessional and told them to first make their peace with God before they came to confess.  When he was approached about the matter by his superior, Padre Pio responded: "They may be bishops here on earth but the hierarchy in Heaven is not the same as that on earth."[23]  It is claimed that when someone asked Padre Pio about the 3rd Secret of Fatima he replied: "Beware of all bishops."[24]

Pope Saint Pius X, the humble Giuseppe Sarto, when congratulated by his mother upon his appointment as Bishop of Mantua, he replied: "Mother, you do not realize what it means to be a bishop.  I shall lose my soul if I neglect my duty."[25]

With regard to Padre Pio himself, he was certainly faithful to the traditions of the Church and to the traditional liturgy.  Father Pellegrino (lifelong friend of Padre Pio) testified how Padre Pio counselled all the Council Fathers who came to see him, to put an end to Vatican II, and how he suffered with even the slightest liturgical reform.  Padre Pio only used the Traditional Missal.[26]

The Last Letter to Paul VI
One of the last things that Padre Pio did was to write a letter to Paul VI in which he stated: "I offer you my prayers and daily sufferings as a small, but sincere contribution on the part of the least of your sons, I pray that God may lead you with His Grace to follow the straight and painful way in defense of eternal truth, which does not change with the passing of years."[27]  (Padre Pio's Letter to Paul VI).  Padre Pio died 10 days later.

Obviously, Paul VI didn't listen to Padre Pio.  Later, Paul VI said at his general audience July 2, 1969: "If the world changes, should not religion also change?  It is for this very reason that the Church has, especially after the 2nd Vatican Council, undertaken so many reforms."[28]

Changing Dogmas Because of Scientific Progress?
The First Vatican Council declared:
"If anyone shall have said that it is possible that to the dogmas declared by the Church a meaning must sometimes be attributed according to the progress of science, different from that which the Church has understood and understands: Let him be anathema."[29]

You're Bound To Seek the Truth
A Catholic is bound to find out what is true concerning the Catholic Faith.  Even Canon 748 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law admits: "All persons are bound to seek the Truth in matters concerning God and God's Church."

The Second Vatican Council Was Not Infallible
John XXIII called this a new kind of Council, a Pastoral Council.  Paul VI in an audience on January 19, 1966, said that it "had avoided proclaiming in an extraordinary manner dogmas effected by the mark of infallibility."[30]

What Must We Believe?
Vatican I states: "By Divine and Catholic Faith, all those things must be believed which are contained in the written word of God and in Tradition, and those which are proposed by the Church, either in a solemn pronouncement or in her ordinary and universal teaching power, to be believed as Divinely revealed."[31]

· The Canons of the Dogmatic Councils of the Church, approved by the Pope, must be believed.
· The ex cathedra statements must be believed.
· The ordinary teaching of the Popes must be followed.
If the Pope teaches something that is not in line with Traditional Catholic Teaching, then the Pope is speaking as a private theologian and not in his ordinary capacity.  When the Pope says something that conflicts with a traditional Teaching of the Church, it is not the "Church Teaching", because the Church has already taught.

An Ex-Cathedra Statement
How to identify an ex cathedra (infallible) statement:
1) Exercised only when the Pope teaches the Universal Church a Truth of the Faith.  It must be clear that he speaks as spiritual head of the Universal Church.
2) You are not allowed to argue the point, but you are bound to believe it.
3) The Pope must speak in an extraordinary manner.  Some of the following words are indicators that the Pope is making a solemn definition: "We define, we declare, and state"; "We promulgate, we proclaim, and decree"; "The Roman Catholic Church firmly believes, professes, and preaches"; "we believe"; "if anyone says . . . let him be anathema".
4) An infallible definition is made when the Teaching Church arrives at the conclusion that God requires all men to believe the particular truth defined.  This is addressed to all members of the Universal Church.
5) The Pope states this in an absolute, final and irrevocable way.  The Pope must define, so as to express himself in a clear and precise manner, and devoid of all ambiguity.

Ex cathedra is when the Holy Ghost does not inspire him with the words to use, but protects him from declaring as true what is not true.  An ex cathedra definition is always the canonization of an apostolic tradition.  When the Pope defines a doctrine, thus expressing his infallibility, he is doing nothing more than making explicit, definite, and clear, a divine truth.  A truth which has been taken for granted by the faithful from the beginning.  He is only making explicit for the future what was implicit in the past.

Some Recent Examples of ex cathedra Pronouncements
Pope Pius XII's definition of the Assumption on Nov. 1, 1950.
· Venerable Pope Pius IX's definition of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 1854.

Speaking With Infallibility
Of course, the Pope and the Bishops, when they reiterate or restate defined Catholic teaching, they are infallible.  This is called active infallibility.  The Faithful are also infallible when we reiterate or restate defined Catholic teaching.  This is called passive infallibility.

A Pope's Statements Can Be Fallible
Most popes do not even make ex cathedra statements.  The pope is not infallible in whatever he does.  If he isn't making an ex cathedra statement or quoting a defined teaching of the Catholic Church, he can be in error.

A Devastated Church; Souls Hang In The Balance
Let's take a quick look at what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 2nd Vatican Council.

Infant Baptisms dropped by over 360,000 in the US from 1960 to 1985.  The National Catholic Education Association said that from 1965 to 1978 Catholic schools lost more than 2 million students and closed over 3,600 schools.  The Catholic abortion rate now runs 30% higher than it does for Protestant women.  The number of nuns in the US from 1964 to 1992 declined by 82,000.[32]  The number of seminarians in the US has dropped from 48,000 in 1965 to 1,300 in 1988.[33]  The number of converts from 1960 to 1985 declined by almost 64,000.  There were 338 annulments granted in 1968 and 59,030 in 1992.[34]  From 1952 to 1956 there were 39 annulments worldwide. In 1990 alone, there were 62,824 annulments.[35]  In the USA, nearly all (98%) who apply for a judicial ecclesiastical decree of annulment and finish the procedure, are awarded an annulment.[36]  An annulment is a declaration by Church authority which states that a marriage was never valid by reason of a known or hidden impediment.

We Must Rebuke Error
Let us review a few examples from the New Testament to prove that sometimes we must rebuke a superior or an authority in the Church.  Remember, St. Peter denied Our Lord three times.  In fact, in Matthew 16:18 Our Lord said: "Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  But five verses later, in Matthew 16:23, Jesus said to St. Peter: "Satan, get behind me, thou art a scandal unto me: because you regard not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.  In Galatians 2:14, St. Paul had to rebuke St. Peter because he "walked not uprightly unto the truth of the Gospel."  Again we read St. Paul, "Withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed." (Gal. 2:11)

The following was condemned by Pope Alexander VII: "Although it is evidently established by you that Peter is a heretic, you are not bound to denounce him . . ."[37] (Condemned)

John Paul II, Defender or Destroyer of Catholicism?
Many have asked, who is ultimately responsible for the destruction of the Church?  Ultimately, the Pope is.  The Pope cannot be followed if he contradicts or states the opposite of what the Church and previous Popes have condemned.  We, as Catholics don't give blind obedience to the Pope.  And, we must know our Faith well enough so that when we listen to, or read something we can make a simple judgment, "Is what he is saying Catholic or not?".  If it is not Catholic, we cannot believe it and we must reject it.  We will now examine many of the actions and statements of the Pope to see of they are Catholic.

Coming to America
During one of his trips to America, John Paul II said in Detroit (Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament): "The most important human rights are the right to life, liberty, and personal safety, the right to freedom of expression, and the right to religion."[38] 

Freedom of Expression/Religion Have Been Condemned
"Liberty of conscience and of worship . . . Should be proclaimed and asserted by law in every correctly established society . . ." (condemned by Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura).

Comparing Pope Leo XIII to John Paul II
Pope Leo XIII said in his encyclical, Immortale Dei, on June 20, 1888: "It is quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, of speech, of writing or of worship
, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man.  For if nature had really granted them, it would be lawful to refuse obedience to God, and there would be no restraint on human liberty."

Pope Leo XIII said in his encyclical, On Human Liberty:
"Another liberty is widely advocated, namely liberty of conscience.
  If by this it is meant that everyone may, as he chooses, worship God or not, it is sufficiently refuted by the argument already adduced."

Pope Leo XIII and John Paul II are exact opposites.

Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos: "We now come to another and most fruitful cause of the evils which at present afflict the Church, and which we so bitterly deplore; we mean indifferentism, or that fatal opinion everywhere diffused by the craft of the wicked, that men can by the profession of any faith obtain the eternal salvation of their souls, provided their life conforms to justice and probity.  Put in a question so clear and evident it will undoubtedly be easy for us to pluck up from amid the people confided to your care so pernicious an error." ???

Pope Gregory XVI continues in Mirari Vos:
"From this poisoned source of indifferentism flows that false and absurd, or rather extravagant maxim that liberty of conscience should be established and guaranteed to each man - a most contagious error . . ."

In The Redeemer Of Man, JPII's first encyclical, John Paul II did not mention the word Catholic or Catholic Church once in a total of 58 pages.

He said in his encyclical, Mission of The Redeemer on p. 11: "Christ the Redeemer, fully reveals man to himself . . . the Redemption that took place on the Cross has definitely restored man to his dignity."  Two pages later, he said: "The Redemption event brings salvation to all, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united himself forever through this mystery." ???

In his encyclical Redemptor Hominis, 113, 3 John Paul II said: "All men are united to Christ solely by virtue of the Incarnation." ???

L'Osservatore Romano - May 6, 1980, John Paul II said: "Christ obtained, once and for all, the salvation of man - of each man and of all men."  John Paul II has promoted the heresy of universal salvation, or Universalism, the belief that all men will be saved.

John Paul II said in paragraph 1703 of his new Catechism that the human person. "from his conception . . . is destined for eternal beatitude,"[39] while the Church has always taught the exact opposite.  With the exception of Adam, Eve, and the Blessed Virgin, all of us are born with Original Sin, and without the sacrament of Baptism and the true Catholic Faith we are all destined for eternal damnation. ??? — (last phrase problematic - dct)

Universal Salvation Condemned
Nearly 3 centuries after his death, Origen was condemned by the Fifth General Council (553 AD), (Council Of Constantinople II) because it was found that his writings contained a number of heretical doctrines, such as the pre-existence of souls and the final salvation of all men.[40]

St. Thomas Aquinas defines heresy as "A species of unbelief belonging to those who profess the Christian Faith but corrupt its Dogmas." (Summa Th., II-II Q. 11. Art. 1)

St. Vincent of Lerins said: "All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.  St. Paul cried out aloud, again and again, to all men to all times, and to all places that, if anyone announces a new dogma, let him be anathematized![41] ???

The Pope and the Moslems
On December 11, 1984: John Paul II sent a representative to the laying of the foundation stone for the biggest mosque in Europe (Rome).
[42]  In Rome, in September, 1989, John Paul II wrote to all the Moslems of the world saying that he addresses them "In the name of the same God that we adore."[43]  Article 2 of the Koran says: "He who believes in the Trinity is impure just like excrement and urine."[44]  In a letter to the Moslems on April 26, 1991, John Paul II addressed them as: "My beloved Moslem brothers and sisters."[45]  On May 31, 1980, John Paul II addressed the Moslems in Paris as brothers: "It is with great joy that I address my greeting to you, Moslems, our brothers in the faith in the one God."[46]

St. Pope Pius V on March 5, 1571 in the Apostolic Constitution Salvatoris Domini referred to the Moslems as "enemies of the Catholic Faith."[47]

JPII Supporting Human Dignity Across the Globe
UNESCO, June 2, 1980, John Paul II said: "Oh man, oh woman, I love you with my whole heart, with my whole soul and with my whole mind, because you are great in your dignity as man or woman, great in your value and in your transcendence.  And I love you as I love myself for my own dignity and worth."[48]  John Paul II loves man the way he is supposed to love Jesus Christ.

Pope St. Pius X said: "There is only one human dignity and that is Catholic dignity."

Pope Leo XIII said in his encyclical letter Tametsi: "About the 'rights of man' as they are called, the people have heard enough: it is time we should hear about the rights of God."[49]

Seoul, Korea, May 6, 1984, John Paul II: "The Catholic Church tries to enter into fraternal dialogue with all the great religions which have guided the human race in its history . . . Allow me to address a special greeting to the members of the Buddhist tradition now that they are preparing to celebrate the feast of the birth of Buddha.  May their happiness be full and their joy complete."[50]

Bangkok, Thailand, 1984, John Paul II at the royal palace said: "In coming here, I have the honor of returning the visit that your majesty made to my predecessor John XXIII in 1960.  I am also anxious to meet his holiness, the supreme patriarch (Buddhist) in the temple."[51]

The following question was addressed to Pope Pius XI: Whether it is permitted for Catholics to be present at, or to take part in conventions, gatherings, meetings, or societies of non-Catholics which aim to associate together under a single agreement all who in any way lay claim to the name of Christian?  The decree from the Holy Office issued on July 8, 1927 responded in the negative![52]

More Heresy in the Land of St. Thomas the Apostle
New Delhi, India, 1986,
John Paul II: "Collaboration between all religions is necessary for the good of mankind.  Today, as Hindus, Buddhists, Jansenists, and Christians, we unite to proclaim the truth about man.  Discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex, or ethnic origin are radically incompatible with human dignity."[53]

Delhi, India, March, 1986: John Paul II went to the center of a marble platform on which Mahatma Gandhi was incinerated, where he took off his shoes, and placed a garland of flowers before this monument, and kneeled down and prayed.[54]  (Exodus 3:4-5 "And when the Lord saw that he went forward to see, he called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said: 'Moses, Moses.' And he answered: 'Here I am.' And He said: 'Come not nigh hither, put off the shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground.'")

JPII Promoting the New World Order
Delhi, India, 1986,
John Paul II said: "Gandhi taught us that if all men and women, whatever the differences among them, embrace the truth, in the respect and dignity unique to every human being, a new world order, a civilization of love can be attained."[55]

In Madras, India, on February 5, 1986, John Paul II had sacred ashes placed on his forehead.  Three days earlier, on February 2nd, he had received on his forehead the Tilac or Tika, the red powdery paste of the Hindus, the sign of recognition of the adorers of Shiva.[56]  Shiva is one of Hindu's most important false deities.

John Paul II explains in his apostolic letter Tertio Millennia adveniente that "Christianity is the response to the aspiration rising from all religions: from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam."[57]

Assisi: Absolute Apostasy
On October 27, 1986, in Assisi, Italy, John Paul II prayed with 160 different religious leaders, including African animists, who are devil worshippers;
[58] thereby violating the First Commandment: "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."  This kind of active participation is certainly not to convert them, and is totally condemned by encyclicals such as Mortalium Animos, (On Fostering True Religious Liberty), Moral Theology, the Code of Canon Law and the Councils of the Roman Catholic Church.  Also during this prayer meeting John Paul II allowed the Dalai Lama to put a Buddhist statue on top of the tabernacle in the Church of St. Francis.[59]  Commenting on the Assisi event, John Paul II said the 160 false religions "prayed with one voice to the Lord of history."[60]

Pope Pius XI, speaking about inter-religious prayer dialogue in Mortalium Animos, stated the following: "They presuppose the erroneous view that all religions are more or less praiseworthy, in as much as all give expression, under various forms, to that innate sense which leads men to God."  John Paul II speaking at the World Day of Prayer in Assisi said the following three times: "All religions are more or less good and praiseworthy, in as much as all give expression, under various forms, to that innate sense which leads men to God."[61]  John Paul II used the exact words which were condemned in Mortalium Animos.

Other "Assisi's" since 86 "Peace Without God"
Most people are completely unaware that there have been many Assisi-like meetings since 1986.  John Paul II has sponsored pagan prayer meetings at Kyoto (1987), Rome (1988), Warsaw (1989), Bari (1990), and Malta (1991),[62] as well numerous prayer meetings since 1991.  For example, in 1994, John Paul II had the sixth Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace Entitled: Religions for Peace.  The conference gathered 900 religious leaders for interreligious dialogue.  All of the different religious leaders listened, as John Paul II welcomed one and all, saying: "The Vatican is open to you.  I hope you will all return soon."[63]

Psalms 95:5 says: "All the gods of the heathens are devils."

Pagan Rome under John Paul II disregards the scriptures and welcomes all false religions.  The only people that Rome tries to condemn are Traditional Catholics.

JPII and Jubilee 2000
Los Angeles Times, Sunday, April 17, 1994: "Pope Wants Ecumenical Prayer Meeting At top of Mt. Sinai in Year 2000."[64]  As part of the Jubilee Year 2000 celebrations the Vatican plans to make "new martyrs out of many non-Catholics."[65]

Syllabus of Errors
At this point, we should remind the reader what the Church really teaches about other religions.  We will quote four errors condemned by Pope Pius IX in his Syllabus of Errors.  No matter what our leaders are doing to contradict these teachings, they cannot change them, for they are part of the Deposit of Faith.

15) Every man is at liberty to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason he shall consider true. - Error

16) Man may, in the observance of any religion whatever, find the way of eternal salvation and arrive at eternal salvation. - Error

17) We must have at least good hope concerning the eternal salvation of all those who in no way are in the true Church of Christ. - Error

18) Protestantism is nothing more than another form of the same true Christian religion, in which form it is given to please God equally as in the Catholic Church. - Error[66]

John Paul II Can't Stand the True Mass
In Vigesimus Quintus, Dec. 4, 1988, John Paul II commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Vatican II Document On The Liturgy, the Pope speaks of those who have, "attached themselves only and uniquely to the previous liturgical forms very deplorably held as the one authority of the integrity of the Faith."[67]

So he is exclusively for the New Mass; what does that mean?

Topless Girls at John Paul II's "Papal Masses"
In Papua, New Guinea, on May 8, 1985, John Paul II allowed an 18 year- old American woman by the name of Susan Kenge (a student at Holly College there) to read one of the epistles during his Papal Mass . . . completely naked from the waist up!  She read from a position just to the right of the "Holy Father" himself.  John Paul II's excuse was that: "It's the custom of the country, it's the heat."  It was neither!  The girl was American - she read the Epistle in perfect English.[68]

On another occasion . . . "Topless girls at Papal Mass . . . During the Papal Mass, bare-breasted young black women danced before the Vicar of Christ.  The local organizers of the papal visit and or the liturgical committee must have approved or suggested this.  Some people came up for communion slurping ice-cream cones."[69]

John Paul II at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool, May 31. 1982 said: "The lack of unity among Christians is sinful."[70]

Participation at Non-Catholic Services Condemned
Jone Moral Theology, Book II, Part 1, Chapter I, Article 4: Association with Non-Catholics, No. 124, #1: "It is forbidden to participate in assemblies, unions, lectures, and societies that aim at a federation of all Christians."  And No. 125, 1a) states: "Active participation in non-Catholic services is entirely forbidden."[71]

Pope Leo XIII said in 1896: "The Church has always regarded as rebels and expelled from the ranks of her children all who held beliefs on any point of doctrine different from her own."

Canon 1258 #1 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law: "It is not permitted at all for the Faithful to assist in any active manner, or to have any part in the worship of non-Catholics."

You Have No Right to Your Own Opinion
Council of Florence:
"The Holy Roman Church condemns, disapproves, anathematizes, and declares to be separated from the Body of Christ, which is the Church, everyone, who holds any contrary opinions." 

St. Augustine: "If anyone holds to a single heresy, he is not a Catholic." 

JPII Speaks to His Jewish Brothers of Freemasonry
March 22, 1984, Vatican City, Allocution to the B'nai B'rith, (Jewish Freemasons) John Paul II said: ". . . the encounter between Catholics and Jews is not one between two ancient religions that each go their own way . . . It is a meeting between "brothers, . . ."[72]

April 13, 1986, In the Synagogue in Rome, John Paul II said: "What unites us is the belief in the one and only God . . . You are our favorite brothers, one could say, our elder brothers ..."[73]

The Third Council of Constantinople stated:
"If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting house of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be deposed and deprived of communion.  If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be suspended from communion."

Council of Florence: "The Most Holy Roman Church believes, professes, and teaches that the Mosaic law cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation.  Everyone, therefore, who observes circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, the Church declares not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation."[75]   ???

The Pope and the Jews
John Paul II's father took him, as a child, to Jewish Sabbath ceremonies.[76]  John Paul II said: "I remember, above all, the Wadowice elementary school where at least a fourth of the pupils in my class were Jewish.  I can vividly remember the Jews who gathered every Saturday at the synagogue behind our school.  Both religious groups, Catholics and Jews, were united, I presume, by the awareness that they prayed to the same God."[77]

Even Inside the Vatican, a publication which supports JPII admits that "Wojtyla (JPII) is the first Pope in history to have such an intimate acquaintance with Judaism.  In his 1994 interview-book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, the Pope alludes to the fact that at least a fourth of his school classmates were Jewish.  With Wojtyla's election as Pope, Joseph Lichten enters the scene.  Lichten, a Polish Jew and naturalized US citizen was the first representative of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in Rome.  He became a member of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism.  Lichten commented: "It is of interest that Cardinal Wojtyla knew the Jews as a child.  He studied with them from the time he was six years old, and his closest friend and former schoolmate, Jerzy Kluger, is a Jew.  As a youth, the Pope visited almost daily the home of the Kluger family."[78]  Kluger also mentioned that when they played soccer, John Paul II would play goalie on the Jewish squad against the Catholics.[79]  The Popes of the Second Vatican Council have had very close relationships with Judaism.  John XXIII said to a recently baptized Jewish boy: "By becoming a Catholic, you do not become less a Jew."[80]

Honorius I
Pope Honorius I reigned from 625-638 AD.  After his death, he was excommunicated and condemned.  His remains were scattered to the winds.  Pope Honorius I was condemned not because he taught heresy, but because he failed to stamp out heresy during his reign as Pope.[81]  John Paul II has done enough damage to be condemned ten thousand times over.  When Pope Leo II confirmed the anathema borne by the 6th Ecumenical Council against Pope Honorius, he taught us that the crime consists in this: Honorius did not extinguish the fire of heresy at its beginning as was fitting for Apostolic Authority to do, but on the contrary he fomented it by his negligence."[82]

The Pope and the Orthodox
In Rome, on Sunday, December 6, 1987, at 9:30 am., John Paul II welcomed the Patriarch of Constantinople in St. Peter's Basilica.  After having donned liturgical vestments, they presided together at the Liturgy of the Word.  The Patriarch gave the first homily after John Paul II had presented him to the people with these words: "With profound joy, I now exhort you to hear the words of chief Patriarch, His Holiness Dimitrios I, our well-beloved brother in Christ."  John Paul II, in turn, gave his homily, followed by the recitation in Greek of the Credo of Nicea-Constantinople, the prayer of intercession and the kiss of peace.  The patriarch then retired to the chapel . . .  He then came back to the Altar of Confession at the end of Mass to bless the faithful."[83]

The Vatican now says that the Orthodox are accepted as part of the Church and are not considered excommunicated.  However, in reality, they are excommunicated.

The Orthodox deny the primacy and infallibility of the Pope.  They accept only the first seven Councils of the Roman Catholic Church and reject the last thirteen.  They deny that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son.  They deny the doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception.  They approve of divorce up to two times, when one of the parties is guilty of adultery.[84]

Among the factors which brought about the Schism of the Orthodox was the demand that the Papacy and the Patriarch of Constantinople be placed on equal footing.[85]

As you have already seen, John Paul II will refer to heads of both schismatic churches and pagan religions by the title "His Holiness".  His admiration for false religions stems from the fact that he believes that all religions are true.  Freemasons also proclaim that "there is no one truth."  This is an apostate idea of religion which offends the Holy Trinity and contradicts the Gospel.  John Paul II has the faith of a freemason, not of a Roman Catholic.

John Paul II also finds it "significant and encouraging that the question of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome has now become subject of study which is already under way or will be in the near future.  It is likewise significant and encouraging that this question appears as an essential theme not only in the theological dialogues in which the Catholic Church is engaging with other Churches and Ecclesial Communities, but also more generally in the ecumenical movement as a whole."[86]

The Pope and the Lutherans
On Nov. 17, 1980, John Paul II visited a Lutheran Church in Germany on the anniversary of Martin Luther's birth and praised the "profound religiousness and spiritual heritage" of Martin Luther.[87]  Then, on October 31, 1983 John Paul II praised "the deep religious feeling of Luther, who was driven with burning passion by the question of eternal salvation."[88]

There is much talk that John Paul II might make Martin Luther a Saint!  The heretic Martin Luther's birthday is December 11, 1483.  It is celebrated by the Lutherans each year.  John Paul II celebrated the heretic, Martin Luther's birthday in a Lutheran church.[89]  Then on June 6, 1989, John Paul II went a step further in his promotion of Martin Luther.  Speaking about Martin Luther's excommunication, John Paul II said: "What we need today most of all is a joint new evaluation of many questions raised by Luther and his preaching."[90]  By saying this, was John Paul II suggesting that Martin Luther was right and the Church was wrong?  Did Pope Leo X make a mistake when he excommunicated Luther in 1520?  Just a few years ago John Paul II lifted the excommunication of Martin Luther and apologized for the mistake!  Martin Luther's school of thought included such abominations as:

"Christ, who was so righteous must have been guilty of fornication before he died."[91]

"Christ had to become that which we are, namely a sinner, a murderer, evildoer, etc."[92]

"But it is not forbidden that a man should have more than one wife."[93]

"Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly."[94]

On the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther's birth, the city of Eisenach, Germany had a special display in which Martin Luther and Karl Marx were placed side by side.  This display carried a quote from Erich Honecker, Head of the Communist party of Germany, praising the "historical accomplishments of Luther."[95]

Martin Luther is already responsible for the damnation of hundreds of millions of souls who have embraced Protestantism. ???

The Vatican under JPII Adopts Lutheran View of Justification!
July. 1998 - "Vatican City - Most of the 450-year old Catholic condemnations of Lutheran teaching about how people are saved no longer apply, the Vatican said.  The joint declaration said Roman Catholics and Lutherans both agree that salvation is a totally free gift of God and cannot be earned by performing good works.  Catholics and Lutherans affirm that where such consensus has been reached, the condemnations leveled at one another in the 16th century (Council of Trent) no longer apply to the respective partner today."[96]

This joint declaration which claims that Catholics believe that men are justified by faith alone, and not by works, is a heresy which has been condemned since the Council of Trent.  Anyone who believes in this heresy is not Catholic.  John Paul II has given further approval to this declaration!  As a result, John Paul II falls under the anathema of the Council of Trent.

Council of Trent - On Justification. "If anyone shall say that by faith alone the sinner is justified, so as to understand that nothing else is required to cooperate in the attainment of the grace of justification, and that it is in no way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the action of his own will: let him be anathema."[97]

The Recent Popes & Vatican II
Cardinal Roncalli took the name John XXIII.  There was an antipope who had the same name who reigned from 1410-1415.  The previous John XXIII was deposed and shown to be an illegitimate successor of St. Peter.[98]  "One wonders why Angelo Roncalli chose to take the name of such a scandalous character."[99]  John XXIII in opening Vatican II said: "The prophets of doom always talk as though the present, in comparison to the past, is becoming worse and worse.  But I see mankind as entering upon a new order, and perceive in this, a divine plan."[100]

"In 1962, the year John XXIII opened Vatican II, he was named 'Man of the Year' by Time Magazine, the first religious leader since Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi in 1930 . . .  John Paul II . . . was awarded the title in 1994."[101]

Freemason Yves Marsaudon (Supreme Council of France, Scottish Rite) said: "The sense of universalism that is rampant in Rome these days is very close to our purpose for existence . . . with all our hearts we support the revolution of John XXIII."[102]

John XXIII, who died during Vatican II, is listed as a saint in the Lutheran Church.  His feast day is June 3.[103]

Freemason Yves Marsaudon commenting on Paul VI said: "Born in our Masonic Lodges, freedom of expression has now spreading beautifully over the Dome of St. Peter's . . .  This is the Revolution of Paul VI.  It is clear that Paul VI, not content merely to follow the policy of his predecessor, does in fact intend to go much further."[104]  During Vatican II, Paul VI said on March 26, 1964: "In the college of bishops, the Pope is president of a community of love."[105]  Declaration on the Relation of the Church to non-Christian Religions, #3 (Nostra Aetate) Vatican II: "The Church has also high esteem for the Muslims.  They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the creator of heaven and earth, . . ."  The Koran teaches that those who believe in the Blessed Trinity are dung.  Paul VI said in Unam Sanctam: "Allah is, after all, the God we Christians worship."[106]

On October 13, 1967, Paul VI visited Fatima, Portugal on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady.  He did not say one Hail Mary there.  He did not visit the shrine at the Cova da Iria.  He refused to speak privately to Sr. Lucia who is the only surviving visionary of Fatima.  Yet, he did have time to give an audience to non-Catholics.[107]

Paul VI also had a habit of reading communist newspapers during breakfast.[108]

A group of 400 pilgrims walked from Paris to Rome to ask Paul VI to grant them permission to have the Traditional Mass.  Paul VI was too busy to see them.  Later, it became known that he was entertaining the Belgian soccer team.[109]

More on Vatican II
During Vatican II, exactly 66 non-Catholic ministers from other faiths attended the Council and were even allowed to vote on and help write the ecumenical decrees.[110]

The Vatican II document On Religious Liberty states: No one ". . . is to be restrained from acting in accordance with his own beliefs, whether publicly or privately," for "the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person," and "is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby society is governed."[111]

"Unitatis Redintegratio" Document #8 (Vatican II)
"During ecumenical gatherings, it is allowable, indeed desirable, that Catholics should join in prayer with their separated brethren."

True ecumenism may be defined as that bond of doctrine and government which unites all Catholics in every region, and diocese into one body.  In action, true ecumenism seeks to bring all men to that unity (Catholic unity).  Prior to Vatican II ecumenism referred to the apostolic endeavor to make the whole world Catholic.

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, #41 (Vatican II): "The Church proclaims the rights of man."  Vatican II document Lumen Gentium #16 took the position that atheists could attain salvation.[112]

Addressing the UN
Before the close of Vatican II, Paul VI travelled to the UN on October 4, 1965.  He told the UN: "The peoples of the earth turn to the United Nations as the last hope of concord and peace."[113]

On December 7, 1965, Paul VI gave his Final Address, among other things, he said: "In the final analysis could we not say that this is a simple, new and solemn teaching, to love man in order to love God?".[114]  In Dialogues, Reflections on God and Man, Paul VI said: "Are you looking for God?  You will find God in Man."[115]  This is the religion of the Antichrist - Man becoming God.

Following Vatican II, The Grand Orient Lodge (Freemasons) in France reported a "gigantic revolution in the Church" calling it "a prelude to victory."[116]

Liberal Cardinal Suenens said: "Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church."[117]

Did Vatican II represent the final success of the secret societies against the Church?  An excommunicated priest named Fr. Roca had this to say at the end of the last century: "The liturgy, ceremonial, ritual, and regulations of the Roman Church will shortly undergo a transformation at an Ecumenical Council (Vatican II) . . . the Papacy will fall."[118]  Fr. Roca also said, "The new church (Vatican II church), might not be able to retain anything of Scholastic doctrine and the original form of the former Church, will nevertheless receive consecration and canon jurisdiction from Rome."[119]

Divine Providence Condemns Vatican II in 1458 AD
Pope Pius II already condemned Vatican II 500 years before it happened.  In 1458, his decree Execrabilis condemned anyone who would presume to call a Council to alter any Catholic dogmatic teachingVatican II was not infallible.  Paul VI at his general audience on January 12, 1966, explained: "In view of the pastoral nature of the Council it avoided any extraordinary statements of dogmas, endowed with the note of infallibility."[120]  No Council has any infallibility unless its definitions are confirmed by the Pope.[121]   ???

John Paul II has said that his mission is to implement the belief and thinking of the 2nd Vatican Council.[122]  On May 30, 1986 John Paul II said: "For me having had the special grace of participating and actively playing a part in its progress - Vatican II has always been and still is, in a special way, a constant point of reference in all my pastoral work; whereby I have made a conscious effort to carry out its directives by faithfully and concretely applying them to each Church and all the Church."[123]

JPII Thinks Atheism Should Be Studied!
What participation did Karol Wojtyla engage in during Vatican II?  Msgr. Wojtyla (JPII) emphasized during a debate of the Second Vatican Council on Religious Liberty, September 22, 1965, that "A dialogue of believers and unbelievers can take place."[124]

Only six days later, he gave a speech to the Council Fathers saying that "Atheism should be studied."[125]  The actual statement of Msgr. Wojtyla (JPII) was: Atheism should be studied . . . not as a negation of God, but more a state of human conscience . . ."[126]

JPII Arming the UN
John Paul II said on May 8, 1995: The 50th anniversary of the United Nations, being celebrated this year, should be an occasion for consolidating the international community's commitment to the service of peace.  For this to happen, the United Nations Organization will have to be granted the instruments which it needs in order to carry out its mission effectively."[127]

JPII promoting the Masonic Credo
In a French airport, in 1980, John Paul II said: "We know the place that the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity hold in your culture and in your history.  Basically, these are Christian ideas."[128]

When he was in Turkey, John Paul II said: "The faith in God that was professed by the spiritual descendants of Abraham, Christians, Moslems, and Jews . . . is an assured foundation for the dignity, fraternity and liberty of men."[129]

JPII and the Worship of Man
In his General Audience on September 15, 1982, John Paul II said: "Jerusalem must become the city of man, in which the believers of the three great monotheistic religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam - live in full liberty and equality, as do the believers of other religious communities, in the recognized guarantee that this city is the sacred patrimony of all, and is destined for the adoration of the One God, of meditation and the work of fraternity."[130]

John Paul II in Redemptor Hominis said: "For the Church, all ways lead to Man . . . Man is the primary route that the Church must travel; he is the primary and fundamental way."[131]

No one on earth can prove that the most recent men to sit on the chair of St. Peter have not been anti-Catholic conspirators.

Traditional Catholics Persecuted, Heretics are Rewarded
In the Vatican II Church, the only priests or bishops to be excommunicated are those who support Church tradition.  Priests like Charles Curran and Edward Schillebeeckx, who have rejected one or more Dogmas of the Faith are not suspended as priests.  These heretics can still say "Mass", preach homilies and publish books; yet, no modern bishops, no matter how heretical, are ever excommunicated!

On many occasions John Paul II has exhorted the Catholic Church hierarchy and faithful to recognize and ask forgiveness for error its members have made in the past.  This has included John Paul II apologizing for the Inquisition, the mistreatment of Galileo, the Crusades and many other actions of the Church.[132]

JPII says that Homosexuals are in the heart of the Church
John Paul II speaking about homosexuals said: "They are not outcasts, homosexuals like all people who suffer are in the heart of the Church."[133]

Speaking about homosexuals, St. Bernardine of Siena said: "Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in hell than anyone else, because this is the worst sin that there is."[134]

Homosexuality is one of the sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance.  It has been condemned throughout the Old and New Testament.

JPII changing the Words of the Bible
John Paul II said: "Spouses be mutually subject to each other."[135] The Bible says: "wives be subject to your husbands."  JPII has also called for the "equality of spouses with regard to family rights.[136]

JPII Calls the Reality of Damnation, "A Great Mystery"
Interrogated on the existence of Hell during the course of an interview granted to the Italian journalist Vittorio Messori in 1994, John Paul II conceded that in the past, preaching on the Four Last Things has been of unquestionable benefit to souls.  He concluded the discussion by saying that although the possibility of eternal damnation is affirmed without ambiguity in the Gospel, he wondered to what extent it really happened in the afterlife.  Calling it "a great mystery."[137]  Pope Leo XIII said in Satis Cognitum: "He who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all Faith."

JPII Believes the Hail Mary Should be Changed!
June 14, 1996, (Catholic News Service): "The Pope thinks the Hail Mary should be changed. - Vatican City - Pope John Paul II thinks the Hail Mary should really begin, "Rejoice, Mary filled with subrace."

St. Louis DeMontfort said: "The heretics, all of whom are children of the devil and clearly bear the sign of God's reprobation, have a horror of the Hail Mary."[138]

True Belief in Jesus Christ
St. Thomas said:
"It is absurd for a heretic to say that he believes In Jesus Christ.  To believe in a person is to give our full consent to his word and to all he teaches.  True faith, therefore, is absolute belief in Jesus Christ and in all he taught.  Hence, he who does not adhere to everything Jesus Christ has prescribed for our salvation does not have any more of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ than the pagans, Jews and Mohammedans."

JPII Supporting Feminism
Many people said John Paul II didn't approve of altar girls.  The October 9, 1997, Wanderer reported: "At an audience at Castelgandolfo on Sept. 3rd, 1995, Pope John Paul II said: 'Today I am appealing to the entire Church community to favor in every way women's participation in its internal life.  In large part that participation would include simply implementing existing roles open to women, including the teaching of theology, approved forms of liturgical ministry, including service at the altar, pastoral and administrative Councils in various Church institutions, Curias, and Tribunals."

Jone Moral Theology, Chapter under the Rubrics Of The Mass, VI #2, states that "no woman or girl may serve Mass . . . In no case may the woman serve at the Altar; she may only answer prayers at a distance."[139]

JPII Sees Hope in Rock N' Roll
"During his Tokyo visit in 1981, the pope was entertained by a rock quartet called the Dark Ducks.  Very soon the Ducks realized that they had become a quintet.  The pope had picked up a microphone and was singing with them."[140]  "Pope sees hope in rock 'n'roll - Chicago Tribune.  Monsignor Domenico Siagalinini, a spokesman for the Eucharistic Congress said: 'The Pope's idea is to get closer to young people through pop music, which unfortunately for many years has been viewed with suspicion and indifference by the Church.  The Church has to come to terms with the language of young people.  We don't want to create a Catholic rock 'n' roll, but we do want to encourage a rock 'n' roll which expresses our values."  The Pope invited Bob Dylan to perform at the closing Mass of Bologna's Eucharistic Congress, despite objection from Vatican critics, one of whom labeled Dylan a communist.[141]

JPII at the Conclave of John Paul I
It has been said that "Wojtyla (JPII) always takes along some reading matter wherever he goes, and during those long periods of voting in the conclave he was calmly perusing a book of political theory by Karl Marx.  When a fellow cardinal asked if he didn't feel it sacrilegious to read such an author in that sacred place, he answered with a good natured smile, "My conscience is clear."[142]

Despite strict communist controls in Poland, John Paul II was able to attend every session of Vatican II.  In fact, the communist government passed over electing five known communists to elect Karol Wojtyla (JPII) as Cardinal of Cracow, Poland.  Even though John Paul II was a Catholic priest from a Communist country, he has never condemned Communism as such.  Top communist officials come to visit him all the time.  This could be one reason that he has refused to consecrate Russia, with all the Bishops, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  This was the mandate that the Blessed Virgin laid down for world peace at Fatima.

John Paul II has met with thousands of world leaders over the last 20 years and hasn't converted one of them to Catholicism.  Even if he did, the convert would not have embraced Catholicism, but the New Religion.

JPII, Promoting the One World Religion
The day following his election, John Paul II's speech ended: "Hopefully, thanks to a common effort, we might arrive finally at full communion with other Christians."[143]

In Catechesi Tradendae on October 16, 1979, John Paul II said: "It is extremely important to give a correct and fair presentation of the other Churches and ecclesial communities, that the spirit of Christ does not refrain from using as means of salvation . . ."[144]

St. Ambrose said: "Even heretics appear to possess Christ, for none of them denies the name of Christ.  Still, anyone who does not confess everything that pertains to Christ does in fact deny Christ."[145]

In his encyclical Ut Unum Sint in paragraph #47, John Paul II calls non-Catholics who have died for their protestant faiths "witnesses."

John Paul II on June 14, 1994, said in his address to the Consistory: "There are so many martyrs in the non-Catholic Churches, . . . too many to include in a contemporary perspective."[146]

Speaking about non-Catholics, St. Cyprian said: "Those who were not willing to be at agreement in the Church of God, cannot remain with God; although given over to flames and fires, they burn, or thrown to wild beasts, they lay down their lives, there will not be (for them) that crown of faith, but the punishment of faithlessness, not a glorious result (of religious virtue), but the ruin of despair.  Such a one can be slain, he cannot be crowned."[147]

John Paul II on May 6, 1980: "Christ's mystical Body is not exclusively identified with the Catholic Church."[148]

John Paul II's letter to the Bishops on "Communion" in 1992: "The one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church is present, in all its essential elements, in non-Catholic sects."[149]  In the same letter John Paul II said: "The Catholic Church is in communion with non-Catholic sects."[150]

St. John Chrysostom said: "What excuse shall he have, what mercy can be hoped for, who corrupts the adorable and ineffable dogmas of our faith?"[151]

JPII Meets Voodoo Chiefs and Prays with Devil Worshippers
In Cotonou, Africa, on February 4, 1993, chanting girls treated John Paul II to a "trance-inducing" voodoo dance at an unusual encounter between the leader of the world's Roman Catholics and Benin's (African city) top voodoo doctors.[152]

John Paul II prayed with African Animists (devil worshippers) on August 8, 1985.  John Paul II recalls the meeting: "The prayer meeting in the sanctuary at Lake Togo was particularly striking.  There I prayed for the first time with animists."[153]  It has been stated that while in Togo he actually paid homage to the sacred snakes.  Standing with a voodoo chief before a snake hut in the center of the town, John Paul II cast cucumber peelings on the ground in front of it's entrance.  Moments later, a serpent slithered forth from it.  The chief then turned to the Pope exclaiming that the reptile's appearance meant the snake god had favored his offering.[154]  (One Catholic writer pointed out correctly, "For John Paul II to actively take part in voodoo ceremonies, and at the same time pose as a Catholic and a Pope, is perilously near committing unforgivable sin."

St. Cyprian said: "Why bow to false gods?  Why bow down your body before helpless images and molded clay?  Why grovel in prostration like the serpent whom you worship?  Why rush into the downfall of the devil, your companion?  Worthily does God exert the lash of His stripes and scourges!"[155]

JPII Listens to Paganism
On April 19, 1998, John Paul II concelebrated a "Mass."  During his eucharistic prayer, 13 women from India offered incense and flowers in front of John Paul II.  During his homily at this "mass" John Paul II said the following: "We would like to listen to what the spirit is saying to the Churches, so that they can proclaim Christ in the context of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism and all those ways of thinking and living which were already rooted in Asia before the preaching of the Gospel arrived there."[156]

St. Ignatius of Antioch said: "Some utterly worthless persons are in the habit of carrying around the name of Jesus Christ in wicked guile, while they continue to practice things unworthy of God and to hold opinions contrary to the doctrine of Christ, to their own destruction and to the destruction of those who give credit to them.  These persons you must avoid as you would avoid wild animals."[157]

JPII Calls Evolution More than a Theory!
John Paul II recently said: Evolution is "more than a theory."[158]  In The Boston Herald, p. 2, Friday, October 25, 1996: "In a message he sent to scientists who advise the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope proclaimed Charles Darwin's landmark ideas compatible with Christian faith and called them more than just a theory."[159]

Pope Innocent IV said: "Those who have detected even by slight proof to have deviated from the doctrine of the Catholic religion ought to fall under the classification of heretic and under the sentences operating against heretics."[160]

Undeniable, Overwhelming and Disturbing Heresies
John Paul II's "pontificate" has been the most fruitless, worthless, and destructive "pontificate" in history.  The previous information proves that John Paul II is a blatant heretic and an enemy of the True Faith.  Follow John Paul II and the Vatican II "reforms" at the risk of your eternal salvation.

Just in case you believe that Cardinal Ratzinger, the number two man in Rome, is any better, or that he's holding fast to tradition, keeping together the Church as Prefect for the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, look deeper into his writings as excerpted from his 1982 book, Principles of Catholic Theology:

· p. 141, "Luther's historical instinct is clearly proving itself right."

· p. 186, "The Resurrection cannot be a historical event in the same sense the Crucifixion is."

· p. 202, "The Catholic does not insist on the dissolution of the Protestant confession and the demolishing of their churches, but hopes rather that they will be strengthened in their confession and in their ecclesial reality."

· p. 335, "The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted wide influence.  With daring vision it incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution."

Who's in Schism?
The key question then becomes, can a Catholic fulfill his Sunday obligation by attending traditional chapels?  Many people are being lied to, so that people will not attend the True Mass and find out about the True Faith.  No, traditional chapels where the Real Mass is celebrated are not in schism.

A Model For Our Times
As many of you know, back in the 4th century of the Church, St. Athanasius was excommunicated by Pope Liberius.  He signed an ambiguous semi-Arian formula and excommunicated St. Athanasius whose only crime was that he was trying to uphold the Traditional Faith in the face of an almost universal apostasy.  St. Athanasius fulfilled his vocation as a Catholic Bishop to save souls and uphold the Traditional Faith.  He even ordained priests in the dioceses of other Bishops.[161]

The Church Supplies In the State of Necessity
The State of Necessity, as it is explained by jurists, is a state in which the necessary goods for natural or supernatural life are so threatened that one is morally compelled to break the law in order to save them.[162]  Canons 1323, 1324 says that you are allowed to break the law in a State of Necessity.  

Subject to the Roman Pontiff
But what about Bull Unam Sanctum: "It is necessary for the salvation of every person to be subject to the Roman Pontiff."  It is necessary for your salvation to be subject to the Pope, but only to the extent that the Pope is subject to God, because as St. Peter and the Apostles teach: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men."

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Anyone should be subject of a lower power only in so far as it preserves the order established by a power higher than itself: but if it (the lower power) departs from the order of the higher power, then it is not right for anyone to be subjected to the lower power."[163]

Pope Leo XIII said: "There is no reason why those who obey God rather than men should be accused of refusing obedience, for if the will of the rulers is opposed to the will and the Laws of God, these rules exceed the bounds of their own power and pervert justice; nor can their authority then be valid, when there is no justice."

To combat the forces of Satan, which are fueled by the Post Conciliar errors and false seers who claim to be from God, you must have a true devotion to Our Blessed Mother.  Pray Her Rosary, wear Her Scapular, fulfill your state of life, stay in a state of grace, attend the True Mass and persevere in the True Faith.  May Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother bless you and protect you in these last days.


[1] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 74.
[2] Daniel Sonrise, Institute for Informed Conscience, P.O. Box 872, Capitola, CA.  95010, p. 72.
[3] Ibid, p. V
[4] Ibid, p. VI
[5] Ibid, p. 73
[6] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 247.
[7] Ibid., p. 257.
[8] Ibid., p. 153.
[9] The Raccolta, 1930, Benziger Bros., p. 314-315.
[10] From The Memoirs, St. John Bosco, Fr. Paul Trinchard, The Mass That Made Padre Pio (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1997), p. 277.
[11] Rev. R. Gerald Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist, p. 130.
[12] Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 84.
[13] Bishop Graber, St. Athanasius, pp. 64-65.
[14] NUBIUS, Secret Instructions on the Conquest of the Church, in Emmanuel Barbier, Les infiltrations masoniques dans l'Eglise, Paris/Brussels: Desclee de Brouwer, 1901, p. 5.
[15] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 133.
[16] Former Crying in the Wilderness Newsletter, #6
[17] St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, Book 11, Chapter 29.
[18] De Comparata Auctoritate Papae Et Concilii, Is Tradition Excommunicated?, (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave, Kansas City, Mo.  64109], p. 20.
[19] St. Thomas IIA-IIAE Q. 33a AD 2.
[20] Innocent III, De Consuetudine, quoted by Torquemada.
[21] Vatican II, Reform Council or Constitution of a New Church, by Anton Holzer, p. 343.
[22] Inside the Vatican, August/September 1996 (3050 Gap Knob Rd. New Hope, KY) p. 12.
[23] Fr. Anthony Cipolla, Thorns And Roses, Spring, 1997, pp. 1-8.
[24] Audio tape, Padre Pio, I Can Refuse No One, 1984.
[25] Patrick Henry Omlor, Questioning The Validity Of The Masses Using The New All-English Canon, (Athanasius Press, Reno, NV 89502), p. 87.
[26] Father Ricossa, Sacerdotium, Issue #15 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd, Troy, MI) p. 60.
[27] Fr. Paul Trinchard, Pray The Holy Mass (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1997), p. 117.
[28] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Problems With The New Mass, (Rockford, IL, TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1990), p. 25.
[29] Denzinger, 1818.
[30] Declaration of the Theological Commission of March 6, 1964.
[31] Denzinger, 1792.
[32] Richard Jamison, "The Vacancy" (24222 Newhall Ave., Santa Clarita CA.)
[33] Liguorian, August 1990, p. 13.
[34] Most Asked Questions About The Society Of Saint Pius X (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. MO), p. 4.
[35] What has Happened to the Catholic Church (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99207-9740), p. 93.
[36] Fr. Paul Trinchard, Sacraments Sacrileged (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012 Metairie, LA, 1997), p. 35.
[37] Denzinger 1105 / See Denzinger 1350 concerning the nature of a Papal Censure binding the faithful.
[38] The Pope in America, Louis Weber, Pres. Pub. International, Skokie, IL, p. 37.
[39] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press, Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA 90406), p. 83.
[40] Fr. Laux, Church History, (TAN Books P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL), p. 69.
[41] Vincent: "Commonitoria" FOC p. 106-107ff.
[42] Patrick Pollock, A Conspiracy of Silence, (Catholic Traditions, P.O. BOX 285025, Boston, MA), p. 32.
[43] Angelus Magazine, October, 1997, 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO)
[44] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 140.
[45] Sacerdotium, Issue #3 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI), p. 91.
[46] Fortes in Fide, (758 Lemay Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO), p. 35.
[47] Fr. Louis Marie de Blignieres, John Paul II and Catholic Doctrine, p. 40.
[48] A speech to UNESCO, La. p. 87.
[49] Fr. Paul Trinchard, New Mass In Light Of The Old (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1995), p. 162.
[50] Peter, Lovest Thou Me? (Angelus Press, 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO), p. 147.
[51] Ibid, p. 146, La Croix of May 11, 1984.
[52] Denzinger, 2199.
[53] La Croix of Feb. 4, 1986.
[54] DC of March 16, 1986, p. 284-285, Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 147.
[55] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 148.
[56] Ibid, p. 155, 156
[57] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press, Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA), p. 9.
[58] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 268.
[59] Ibid, p. 269.
[60] Ut Unum Sint: 76, "Encyclical" of John Paul II: May 25, 1995
[61] Gerry Matatics, Something Rotten in Rome, 1995.
[62] Fr. Johannes Dormann, Pope John Paul II's Theological Journey, Part II (Angelus Press, 2918 Tracy Ave. Kansas City, MO), p. 6.
[63] Inside the Vatican, December 1994 (3050 Gap Knob Rd., New Hope, KY), p. 14.
[64] Los Angeles Times, Sunday, April 17, 1994
[65] National Catholic Register, p. 6, June 21-27 1998
[66] Denzinger, 1715-1718.
[67] Are Today's Seminaries Catholic?, (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO), p. 151.
[68] Ibid. p. 169.
[69] Human Life International, Special Report No. 131, p. 4, Thanksgiving, 1992, ISSN 0899-420X
[70] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 111.
[71] Rev. Heribert Jone, Moral Theology (The Neumann Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1962), p. 69.
[72] DC No. 1874, p. 510 (Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 93)
[73] DC of May 4, 1986, p. 438 (Peter Lovest Thou Me?, p. 135)
[74] Sacerdotium, Issue #3 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI), p. 48.
[75] Denzinger, 712.
[76] Inside the Vatican, March/April, 1997 (3050 Gap Knob Rd., New Hope, KY), p. 47.
[77] Ibid. Nov. 1994 (3050 Gap Knob Rd., New Hope, KY), p. 44.
[78] Ibid. June/July 1995 (3050 Gap Knob Rd., New Hope, KY), p. 64.
[79] Columbia Magazine, The Pope's Childhood Friend (P.O. BOX 1670, New Hope, KY), p. 4.
[80] Sacerdotium, Issue #8 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy. MI), p. 76.
[81] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 305.
[82] Fr. Paul Trinchard, New Mass In Light Of The Old (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1995), p. 116.
[83] Peter Lovest Thou Me?, p. 124.  DC of January 17, 1988, p. 85.
[84] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 266.
[85] Atila Sinke Guimaraes, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1995), p. 211.
[86] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press; Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA 90406), p. 99.
[87] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99207-9740), p. 263.
[88] L'Osservatore Romano, November 14, 1983.
[89] Are Today's Seminaries Catholic?, (Angelus Press: 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. MO), p. 139.
[90] L'Osservatore Romano, June 19, 1989, p. 8.
[91] The Angelus, 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. MO, April, 1998
[92] Sacerdotium, Issue #1 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI), p. 108.
[93] Ibid. p. 109.
[94] Ibid.
[95] National Geographic Magazine, October, 1983, p. 462.
[96] National Catholic Register, July 5-11, 1998, p. 6.
[97] Denzinger, 819.
[98] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 23.
[99] Norman Richards, People of Destiny, Pope John XXIII, p. 70.
[100] The Council and the Future, 1966, C.J. Bucher Ltd., Lib. of Con. Card #66-2456467599.
[101] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press; Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA 90406), p. 155.
[102] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 84.
[103] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 31.
[104] Patrick Pollock, A Conspiracy of Silence, (Catholic Traditions, P.O. Box 285025, Boston, MA), p. 7.
[105] The Council and the Future, 1966, C.J. Bucher Ltd., Lib. of Con. Card #66-2456467599, p. 7.
[106] Fr. James Wathen, Who Shall Ascend, (St. John the Baptist Priory, 3014 South Third St., Louisville, KY), p. 297.
[107] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 104.
[108] Ibid. p. 105.
[109] Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Problems With The New Mass, (Rockford, IL, TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1990), p. 22.
[110] What has Happened to the Catholic Church? (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA. 99207-9740), p. 53.
[111] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press, Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA), p. 112, Decree On Religious Freedom, (Ch. I, Art. 2)
[112] Fr. Johannes Dormann, Pope John Paul II's Theological Journey, Part II, (Angelus Press, 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO), p. 53.
[113] The Council and the Future, 1966, C.J. Bucher Ltd., Lib. of Con. Card #66-2456467599, p. 231.
[114] Ibid. p. 295.
[115] Fr. Paul Trinchard, Faith, Hope and Charity (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, La, 1995), p. 57.
[116] Ontario Catholic News, Feb. 1990, p. 3.
[117] Ibid.
[118] Ibid.
[119] Patrick Pollock, A Conspiracy of Silence, (Catholic Traditions, P.O. Box 285025, Boston, MA), p. 122, v.2
[120] Most Asked Questions About The Society Of Saint Pius X (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. MO), p. 34.
[121] Fr. Laux, Church History, (TAN Books, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL), p. 158.
[122] Most Asked Questions About The Society Of Saint Pius X (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. MO), p. 37.
[123] From the Acts of the Holy See, 78, 1986, p. 1273: Speech of May 30, 1986; also quoted in The New Catechism Of The Catholic Church, p. 6.
[124] DC 1965, pp. 1798-9.
[125] DC 1965, p. 1888.
[126] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 41.
[127] L'Osservatore Romano, May 17, 1994, p. 2.
[128] DC June 15, 1980, p. 605.
[129] DC December 16, 1979, p. 105.
[130] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 199, 200; La Croix of September 17, 1982, p. 3.
[131] Fr. Paul Trinchard, Faith, Hope, and Charity (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1995), p. 59.
[132] The Remnant, June 15, 1998 (2539 Morrison Ave., St. Paul, MN), p. 1.
[133] Houston Chronicle, September 11, 1987.
[134] Atila Sinke Guimaraes, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, (Maeta: P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA, 1995), p. 364.
[135] Fr. Paul Trinchard, Understanding the Pope, 1997, audio.
[136] The Remnant, June 15, 1998, 2539 Morrison Ave., St. Paul, MN), p. 4.
[137] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press, Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA), p. 84.
[138] St. Louis DeMontfort, The Secret of the Rosary, (Montfort Pub., Bayshore, NY, 1995), p. 45.
[139] The Neumann Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1962), p. 386.
[140] Wilton Wynn, Keepers of the Keys, p. 64.
[141] People Magazine, Oct. 13, 1997
[142] Wilton Wynn, Keepers of the Keys, p. 39.
[143] Time, October 30, 1978, p. 97.
[144] What has Happened to the Catholic Church, (Mt. St. Michael Center; N. 8504 St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA), p. 68.
[145] The Catholic, April, 1998 issue (313 South 17th St., Frederick, OK), p. 2.
[146] The Remnant, April 30, 1998, Vol. 31, #7, p. 9 (2539 Morrison Ave. St. Paul, MN)
[147] Denzinger, 247.
[148] L'Osservatore Romano, May 6, 1980.
[149] Letter to the Bishops on "Communion", 1992
[150] Ibid.
[151] The Catholic, April 1998 issue (313 South 17th St., Frederick, OK), p. 2.
[152] John Weiskittel, Sacerdotium, Issue #8 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI), p. 28.
[153] Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 154.
[154] John Weiskittel, Sacerdotium, Issue #8 (2899 East Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI), p. 63.
[155] Quoted in Select Writings of the Fathers.
[156] L'Osservatore Romano, April 22, 1998, p. 1, 2.
[157] Epistle to the Ephesians
[158] Solange Hertz, On the Contrary, (Veritas Press, Box 1704, Santa Monica, CA), p. 3.
[159] The Boston Herald, p. 2, Friday, October 25, 1996, by J.M. Lawerence
[160] The Registers of Innocent IV, Berger, Paris: 1881
[161] Is the Society of St. Pius X Schismatic?, (Angelus Press; 2918 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, MO)
[162] Eichmann-Morsdorf: Traite Du Droit Canonique; Cf. C. May, Notwehr, Widerstand, Notsand (Self-Defense, Resistance, Necessity), Vienne, Mediatrix-Verlag, 1984.
[163] Summa II-II, 104, 105.